Our mission is to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children. 


 We strive to fulfill our mission through programs, advocacy and family engagement.


The RSES PTA is made up of hard-working parents & staff who pool their talents to provide practical support for our school. Those listed below volunteered to provide leadership this year. Get to know their names and look for their faces around school and at events. Feel free to ask questions. 

Interested in getting involved? Contact us!


Executive Board

President - Jessica Spanton president@rsespta.org

VP of Programs - Lindsey Booth programs@rsespta.org

VP Arts and Education - Annie O'Brien artsandeducation@rsespta.org

VP of Fundraising - Sarah Barr fundraising@rsespta.org

VP of Volunteers - Karen Ogden volunteers@rsespta.org

VP of Information - Samantha Bethke information@rsespta.org

Treasurer - Lauren O'Neill treasurer@rsespta.org

Secretary - Kira Jackson secretary@rsespta.org

Membership - Kristin Quick membership@rsespta.org

Parliamentarian - Krista Diaz parliamentarian@rsespta.org

Council Delegate - Jill Motal councilrep@rsespta.org

Council Delegate - Zane Lucke councilrep2@rsespta.org


Staff Liaisons

Primary Teacher Liaison (K-2) - Katie Scott

Secondary Teacher Liaison (3-5) - Ashley Graham



Yearbook  Megan Caruso  yearbook@rsespta.org
Social Media  Krista Diaz  socialmedia@rsespta.org
Bulletin Boards  *OPEN*  bulletinboards@rsespra.org
Marquee  Monika Anderson  marquee@rsespta.org
Community Events  Leslie Bieser  communityevents@rsespta.org
Spirit Items  Ana Bejarano  spiritsticks@rsespta.org
Staff Workroom  Cheyenne Rutter  workroom@rsespta.org
Hospitality  Courtney Adams  hospitality@rsespta.org
Diversity & Culture  Snehal Ganjigatti  diversity@rsespta.org
Science Lab  Carrie Shultz  sciencelab@rsespta.org
Room Parent Coordinator  Lauren Vaughn  roomparents@rsespta.org
Staff Appreciation  Theresa Albus  staffappreciaton@rsespta.org
Class T-Shirts  Lauren Loveless  tshirts@rsespta.org
School Supplies Maggie Krein  supplies@rsespta.org
Learning Garden  Kristel Comai & Megan Caruso  learninggarden@rsespta.org
Reflections  Chrstina Henson  reflections@rsespta.org
Talent Show  Carl Coccaro  talent@rsespta.org
Art Appreciation  Caren Kreger  art@rsespta.org
Spelling Bee  Leigh Heltzel  spellingbee@rsespta.org
All Abilities  Conolly Lees  allabilities@resepta.org
Healthy Lifestyles  Morgan Swope  healthy@rsespta.org




Interested in understanding what the PTA Board Positions do?  


 PTA Board Position Summaries



President:  Coordinates board efforts and officers, presides at PTA meetings, attends PTA District Council meetings, works closely with the Principal and is an official member of all standing committees. The President supports and guides board members and committee members as needed throughout the year, and works closely with school staff and the Info VP on PTA communications. The President is responsible for the Back to School Bash. Time Commitment: This is a year-long commitment including work over summer. The President is expected to attend most events. Hours per week vary depending on programs/events. Setting “office hours'' is recommended.


1st VP - Programs:  Attends monthly board meetings, general meetings and committee meetings as needed.  Responsible for implementing the PTA goals of student enrichment and parent education including but not limited to articles, flyers, workshops, academic nights (STEM). Responsible for overseeing and supporting chairs Healthy Lifestyles, All Abilities, Community and Social Events, and Spelling Bee. The Programs VP also works closely with the counselors to help provide programming/school assemblies. Time Commitment: Busy periods vary depending on events and programming. 


2nd VP - Arts & Education: Attends monthly board meetings, general meetings and committee meetings as needed. Responsible for overseeing and supporting chairs for Art Appreciation, Reflections, the Learning Garden, Talent Show, Diversity & Culture events. Time Commitment: Busy periods vary depending on events and programming. 


3rd VP - Fundraising:  Attends monthly board meetings, general meetings and committee meetings as needed. Leads fundraising events like Apex and Spirit Nights. Responsible for overseeing and supporting chairs including:  School Supplies, Class T-shirts, & Spirit Items. The VP also serves as the liaison between community sponsors and/or donors. Time Commitment: Busy periods in August and various fundraisers especially Apex Fun Run.


4th VP - Volunteers: Attends monthly board meetings, general meetings, and committee meetings as needed. Coordinates with other board members for any volunteer needs. Responsible for overseeing and supporting chairs for Room Parent Coordinator, Staff Workroom, Hospitality, and Staff Appreciation. Recruiting volunteers and keeping volunteers is paramount for this position. Time Commitment: On-going. Many of the chairs who report to the VP are active year round. Staff Appreciation begins in August. VP should be available to start working in July.


5th VP - Public Information:  Attends monthly board meetings, general meetings and committee meetings as needed. Oversees PTA communications and supports the PTA President in promoting PTA activities and programs on the website, periodic PTA newsletters (if applicable), and social media platforms. Additionally, the VP is responsible for overseeing and supporting chairs for Yearbook, Marquee, Bulletin Boards, Social Media, and Webmaster. VP of Info submits PTA information to the school secretary each week for the Thursday Folder.  Time Commitment: Ongoing weekly commitments, must be responsive to emails. 


Secretary:  Attends and records minutes of all PTA Board and general meetings. The Secretary takes all meeting minutes, distributes the agendas, keeps track of various records, and helps prepare a portion of the financial reconciliation. The Secretary must have access to a computer. Experience with Google drive recommended, but not required. Time Commitment: Fluctuates based on meeting schedule, commitment varies throughout the year. 


Treasurer: Attends PTA board and general Board meetings. Keeps books of all monetary transactions. Duties include writing checks for activities and reimbursement, filing tax paperwork to maintain non-profit status and pay state taxes, reconciling books monthly to keep accurate track of all monetary transactions, making timely deposits to the PTA bank account, supplying petty cash for all events, and maintaining detailed files pertaining to all activities. Experience with QuickBooks is recommended, but not required. The ideal candidate should be detail oriented. Time Commitment: Workload is approximately 10 hours per month, mostly at the beginning and end of month.  


Appointed Board Positions: The following positions are appointed by the President Elect and approved by the newly elected board. If you are interested in serving in these areas, please email president@rsespta.org.


Parliamentarian:  Attends board meetings and general meetings. Advise the chair, executive board and members on questions of Robert’s Rules of Order (parliamentary procedure) when asked during meetings; serve as ex-officio on the bylaws (and standing rules, if applicable) review committee;not serve as a committee chair; schedule first nominating committee meeting and provide committee the required information on the nomination and election process. This position only votes when there is a ballot. Additionally, this person also reviews Bylaws and Standing Rules and completes the process if changes need to be made. Time Commitment: Minimal outside of board and general meetings.


Membership Chair:  Attends monthly board meetings and general meetings. Sets membership goal at the beginning of the school year.  Responsible for promoting PTA membership and educating families on the benefits of joining PTA. Organizes and runs the month long Fall PTA Membership Drive. Submits member dues as needed to Texas PTA.  Maintains membership database and member roster for PTA communications. Keeps track and reports PTA membership awards and submits award applications when required. Ideally the Membership chair is present at events and Membership meetings to welcome members and answer questions. Time Commitment: Prior to PTA general meetings verifies attendees are current members for voting purposes.  Busiest at the beginning of the school year (3-5 hrs/wk during membership drive) and tapers off once the membership drive is over.


(2) Council Delegates: .The Council Delegates are appointed by our campus PTA to represent the interests of Rooster Elementary PTA at the Council level. They also serve as a liaison between the RSE PTA and DSISD Council of PTAs.  In addition to attending monthly board and general meetings, the delegate attends a monthly District Council PTA meeting and reports back to the RSE PTA board and general membership. The Council Delegates also share information about Texas PTA advocacy work, including Rally Day, communicating what is presented at DSISD Council Meetings to the RSE PTA board and general membership. Council Delegates will keep the PTA informed on current legislative news by submitting information for the newsletter or by submitting articles for electronic distribution with the President’s approval. Time commitment: a few hours a month.








Below are the positions for the 2024-25 school year.  There are opportunities to accommodate various volunteer schedules and availability.   If you are interested in serving, or have a passion and would like to share that with the RSE community that is not listed below, please email Jessica Spanton at president@rsespta.org  Please note that chair positions are subject to change

based on the needs of our school and if positions are filled. 

Standing Committee Chairs are appointed by the president and voted on by the board members and can serve up to 2 years. Note that chairs must be approved each year.